Currently we are having a team strength of eighteen professionals out of which five are qualified professionals amongst which three of them are Chartered Accountants, one Company Secretary and One Advocate. We have an appropriate mix of semi qualified professionals and interns so as to cater the requirement of our clients in an efficient and professional manner. A brief description about them is mentioned hereunder:

CA Nirja Jain - Sheis a commerce graduate, an associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. She qualified in the year 2011 and is currently handling the matters in relation to Registration of companies, GST return filling, GST audit & compliances.

CA SubhamParsuramka - Sheis a commerce graduate, an associateMember of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. She qualified in the year 2018and is currently handling matters in relation to filing of GST returns & GST audit.

CA NandkishoreVishwakarma Heis a commerce graduate,an associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He qualified in the year 2019and is currently handling matters in relation to audit and finance taxation.

CS Rahul Agarwal - He is a commerce graduate, an associate member of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He is currently handling the Corporate Law Matters.

Advocate Yasraj Roy - He is a graduate under the Member of Bar Counil and currently handling law matters related to civil, NCLT.
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